Food security
Food insecurity affects more people than ever before. For insecurity to become security, it is vital to improve our collective understanding and propose concrete, concerted solutions.
You’ve come to the right place if you want to learn more about:
Social pricing
Technologies to support the food security network
Innovations in food vouchers
Solidarity baskets
Publications and documents

Launching a Collective Food Procurement Project: Lessons learned by the Mutuelle d’approvisionnement des marchés solidaires (MAMS)
Publications and documents

Project report: Local Community Procurement Specialist
Publications and documents

Zero Hunger in Montreal - Phases 1, 2 and 3
Publications and documents
Videos and webinars

Webinar replay "Manage food coupon programs with the Tomat platform"
Videos and webinars

Webinar replay: “B2B services in food security and solidarity within food hubs”
Videos and webinars

Webinar replay: "Shared governance for food security - Inspiring models and approaches"
Videos and webinars

Webinar replay: "IT and digital technologies for food security - Understanding needs to develop appropriate solutions"
Videos and webinars

Webinar replay: "Transport mutualizing in food security - lessons learned from projects for local and solidarity procurement"
Videos and webinars

Webinar replay: “Collectif Récolte: Local and Integrated Food System in Montreal (SALIM) program”
Videos and webinars
Practical tools

Comic strips: Conversations on Montreal’s local and solidarity food supply
Practical tools

Decision Support Guide for Food Transport Vehicles
Practical tools